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Okładka książki 27 śmierci Toby’ego Obeda napisana przez Joanne Gierak-Onoszko

27 deaths of Toby Obed is a book written in polish by journalist Joanne Gierak-Onoszko based on her research and time spent in Canada. The book was publish in 2019 by the publishing house Dowody na Istnienie.

It is a difficult book. And painful. It can be read in fragments, in small pieces assimilable by our limbic system. Or at once, in one breath, like ripping off a Band-Aid. Whichever strategy you choose, you will certainly get sick of reading it.

In fact, it is a story about post-apocalyptic times, about Survivors and about the fact that they have to live: the Survivors themselves as well as their oppressors.

The Survivors are people who have survived torture, abuse, physical and psychological violence. They have survived hunger, freezing temperatures, electrocution, rape.

Torturers are people who have been tortured, molested, physically and psychologically abused. The torturers are also people who pretended not to know about it. The torturers are also the people who created this system. A system of boarding schools for aboriginal children in Canada.

Canada dreamed of a culturally and religiously homogeneous society. It created a network of boarding schools, mainly run by the Catholic Church, to which Inuit children forcibly removed from their families were sent. Because an Inuit family was, by definition, inefficient in its upbringing.
The idea was partly successful, people without knowledge of Indian roots and cultural identity left the schools. But also broken, traumatised and destroyed people. People with no past and no future. People who survived. Survivors.

With the patience and composure of a scientist, in 27 deaths of Toby Obed, Joanna Gierak-Onoszko talks to all the parties involved, she does not ask: why?, because this question is no longer relevant, she asks: and what next? Will someone take responsibility for the fate of the children of indigenous Canadians? Well, because they are still children, even if they are in their forties, even if they are alcoholics, even if they have become abusers themselves.

Currently the book is only available in Polish under the name 27 śmierci Toby’ego Obeda.

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