Fundator fundacji PROJEKT ROZ

Zjęcie fundatora
Jacek Matusiak
Fundator fundacji

I was born in Łęczyca, an old town in the middle of Poland, in 1964. I have lived and worked in Kraków for several years. For these several years, I have been supporting the running of the “Le Petit Prince” family-type foster care and educational institution in Krakow.
In my free time I read, watch films and train aikido. I want to inform about the fact that in 2012, at the request of the Children’s Rights Ombudsman, I was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit. That is probably it.

Zarząd Fundacji

Zdjęcie Elżbieta Matusiak
Elżbieta Matusiak
prezes zarządu

Mum, wife, carer/untie, trainer, social pedagogue. While driving around Krakow TAXI, I talk about foster care, about caregivers, their development and professionalisation, about ethics in speaking and presenting the subject of care. In every possible situation, I talk about how to help, what helping is and how to prepare for it. I am in favour of cooperation, not competition. I believe that pedagogy cannot exist without ethics and Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbiński is my guru in this field. I love loneliness, I don't speak English and I cannot cook. Despite my pros and cons, in 2012, at the request of the Children's Ombudsman, I was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit.

Zdjęcie Elżbieta Matusiak
Anna Kopacz

My friends call me a stubborn optimist, mediator and reading maniac on very different subjects. I was born in Poland, grew up abroad and am generally a global citizen. I graduated in business administration and specialize in marketing, communication, social media and organizing international conferences. I intend to study all my life - recently I completed my Master's degree in ethnology and cultural anthropology. I like spending time with Le Petit Prince inhabitants who teach me Polish, openness and patience.

Zdjęcie Jaga Matusiak
Jaga Matusiak
członek zarządu

My name is Jaga, am interested in horseback riding, singing and reading books. Insights about me? Despite great efforts to read many guides, to listen to many good advice on YouTube, I'm still not an early bird ?. And although I love snow and winter, I always come back to those words: "Wake me up in July Lick the snow from my eyes We will catch the shooting stars On the blackboard night sky""

Rada Fundacji

Edyta Pawlus-Sapeta
członek rady

Crazy mother of four Wonders, wife :) A failed social worker, fighting for the everyday life of children with disabilities. Children have become the meaning of my life. I have learned to fight for myself and also for my family. We enjoy every day, every moment and what we have. We do not plan, we live spontaneously, learning at home as part of home education. We rehabilitate, we cure with love and the warmth of a home fire. We like small and big journeys, getting away from everything, spending time together. Our house is open to the wanderers of life, you can always drop in for a good tea (I don't drink coffee, but I can always make one) and something good. The garden, vegetable garden and mini orchard is my refuge, my paradise. I love the mountains (not the high ones), the forest and sometimes the sound of the sea of waves. Family and home oasis are dogs (currently senior female Fiorka) and two cats. You may want more…

Alina Prusinowska Marek
członek rady

I am a graduate of the Institute for Social Prevention and Rehabilitation of the University of Warsaw. While still a student, I started working as a professional family curator, which I am to this day. I am always ready to take the side of the child and help those who want it. I am constantly believing in the power of intersectoral cooperation for the legal protection of children.

Angelika Arter
członek rady

I am a lawyer, originator and member of the "Modern Bar" Committee. As well as a member of the Sports Committee at the Regional Bar Council in Krakow, Poland. At the Modern Bar Association I am responsible for cooperation and pro bono assistance. When I am not working I run in the mountains, I do triathlons and skitouring. I walk the alpine trails with my husband and the dog "Devil".

Magdalena Arczewska
członek rady

I am a sociologist and lawyer, and work at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences of the University of Warsaw. My specialization is research in supporting children and families in the local environment and changes in civil society.

I am involved as a member of the Board of the Association of Family Judges in Poland and the General Committee of the International Association of Family and Peace Judges. As well as the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal - The Wronged Child. Theory. Research. The Practice, whose publisher is the Foundation Give Strength to Children.

Katarzyna Skorupka
członek rady

I think of myself as a dreamer and an incorrigible optimist, I hear from others that I am ordered and concrete … I have been teaching children for 25 years. Working with children is my mission. Fortunately, apart from that I also have passions - knitting, designing and making Christmas cards, singing, arranging and taking care of the garden, reading, listening - music, people, sounds of nature, taking pictures of nature, walks, from time to time "culinary jumps", watching my favorite films - "Mamma Mia" and "I love you, and you're sleeping" I like to play board and card games, I talk about all topics (attention! I can talk!), I like to help others and generally be useful:)

Monika Gładyszek
członek rady

First of all… to do good and support others in this. I am committed to actions that strengthen values. I am lucky to meet people who think the same way. These are inexhaustible sources of inspiration. I have a degree in business and business psychology. Professionally, I deal with EU projects for companies and non-governmental organisations. Privately - I am interested in art, I photograph the world. Empathy and sensitivity, like muscles, can be exercised daily. I recommend - you don't need a special prescription for this ;)

Michał Mucha
członek rady

Student informatyki stosowanej na AGH. Z zawodu oraz zamiłowania zajmuje się architekturą aplikacji internetowych po stronie interface użytkownika. Innymi słowy tworzę guziki w aplikacjach oraz stronach internetowych. Jako członek rady fundacji skupiam się na działaniach mających na celu rozpowszechnienie wiedzy na temat pieczy zastępczej w środowisku IT oraz w każdym innym, w którym mam przyjemność przebywać.