Who we are?

The PROJEKT ROZ Foundation stands for: Development, Care, Trust. It is also: Family Foster Care. Our team consists of practitioners with many years of experience and reliable substantive knowledge who have been working for foster carers since 2012.

What drives us?

Children growing up outside their family of origin have experienced many traumas in their lives, are victims of physical and emotional abuse, with a disturbed self-esteem system. It is with them that the foster caregiver works. He is one person who combines specialists in many fields – from a psychologist, through a doctor, to a teacher of life. A foster carer never leaves work, there are no weekends or holidays – work and everyday life are one thing for him.

Does this encourage you to become a guardian? The small number of applicants shows that we are dealing with a global problem. How to solve it? How to make children in foster care be taken care of by top-class specialists, with the possibility of continuous development, supported by well-established law? One that allows them to feel safe in contacts not only with institutions entrusting them with children, but also in difficult contacts with the biological parents of these children. These are the questions we are looking for answers to. Guardian – indestructible man? We would like to 🙂 but it is not. According to the need we perceive, we say: TAKE CARE OF THE CAREER.

Where we are heading?

We strive to enlarge the circle of people for whom they know who a foster caregiver is, what tasks they carry out and how they can be supported, it is no secret. At the same time, we want to gather the experiences of practitioners dealing with foster care and develop them in a scientific manner.

We intend to remind you that foster families are not only caregivers and children entrusted to them. In foster families there are also biological children of foster carers who should be supported by all means.