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Autorstwa Elżbieta Matusiak

Announcement of the collaboration conference. Including two dialogue clouds overlapping and creating an eye in the middle.

It is a great pleasure to attend such a well-prepared Conference, especially reflective of the title “collaboration”. And I cannot begin with great praise and tribute to the organisers. Technical and organisational preparation and, above all, competence in moderating (Katarzyna Ociepka-Miąsik), the highest level.

We do not know what the future will be like – is there going to be regress? Or maybe the current situation of a pandemic is an opportunity for development, for a different perspective?

The conditions in which we find ourselves are unusual and unprecedented. We are experiencing many losses. We have even lost the sense of stability and confidence in the next steps and actions. For this, we gain experience of finding ourselves in change and of new collaboration.

The meeting included an extraordinary special guest – Zuzanna Skalska. As a result, it opened our eyes wide and inspired us to look into the future in a non-standard way.

More information in Polish can be found on MIK.Krakow website here.

We share invitations and reviews of other conferences here.