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Autorstwa Anna Kopacz

Zdjęcie książki Opowiadania Bizarne Tokarczuk - Bizarre Tales

Olga Tokarczuk – Bizarre Tales was published by Wydawnictwo Literackie in 2018.

“Bizarre tales” are not only strange and unusual, but above all, they create an atmosphere of anxiety and tension.

Tokarczuk invites the reader to a world in which everything is interconnected and interdependent. Where one element results directly from another and leads to another. With surgical precision, the author reflects the realism of characters, building their psychological depth. The world presented in these stories is the sum of its elements.

What if one of the elements is irrational? Tokarczuk forces the reader to redefine reality. Has there always been irrationalism at its base, and we have only enclosed it with logic, pragmatism and reason? Or is the world in which we live, so cruel and painfully real? That in order to survive, we ourselves have learned to introduce an element of irrationality?

Regardless of the answer, we give ourselves to these questions. After reading “Bizarre Tales” we stay with a deep sense of anxiety and uncertainty.

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