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Autorstwa Elżbieta Matusiak

They say that if sick and with a disability, there is no place for them in foster care.
They say that if sick and with a disability, they will spend their whole life in a DPS.
They say that if sick and with disabilities, no family in Poland will take care of them.
They say.
But what is it like in reality?
There are many families like Edyta, Marcin and Joachim. What they do is amazing, but it is not impossible.
They are the best example of this. They are the chosen ones for Emil, Jaśek and Hania.
They are like oxygen.

Zdjęcie rodziny zastępczej: Edyta, Marcin i Joachim, Hania i Jaś

Edyta (who is on Our Advisor Board) and Marcin are a specialist foster family. They create a happy and very special home. They have taken under their care sick children who need care and devotion. As they say, they give the children themselves, but they get even more from them: love, joy of life and the will to fight.

Writes more about their story Joanna Biegaj in Polish on

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