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Autorstwa Małgorzata Paszkowska

plakat serialu Gambit Królowej Netflix original
Gambit Królowej

The Queen’s Gambit scared me away with its title and subject matter – but I watched it and only now I know how wrong I was to think it was a chess series.

The Queen’s Gambit is an official Netflix mini-series.

For me, it’s a story about an orphanage pupil, whose stay in the facility has left its mark on her life. The difficult tendency to repel loved ones, drug addiction and the overwhelming desire to prove to the whole world that you are worth something are threads that run through the seven episodes.

So I recommend it to all those who are not interested in chess, but are close to the subject of foster care, adoption (an interesting relationship with an adoptive mother) or the life of an adult orphanage pupil. In my opinion, a really credible psychological portrait of a woman whose orphanage took away her individuality and the possibility of developing her interests was created.

A lot is said and written about children from the orphanage. Much less is said and written about adult children. And the stigma of the stay in the orphanage stays and not everyone can cope with it.


The original post appeared on Małgorzata’s personal blog on the FB “Imperium Mocy”. You will find it here and also with other valuable descriptions of Małgorzata.

? orignal trailer

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