Projekt roz logo

Autorstwa Anna Kopacz

Nothing that we  do truly happens by itself. It is reliant on the humble kind and collaborative work of others and this website is no exception.

It all starts with a conversation and the openness to learn about us. The website project is a perfect reflection of how one can foster value to the foster care environment. And by doing what they are good at, using their special power. When we learnt that Michał was a website developer, in no time Ela drew the first visuals of the website. Those sketches became the wireframes of the first draft of the 2020 website launch. 

That said, all of the web development has been done by one individual. During odd hours of the day, weekend check-in calls and bringing design together with intention – each of us learnt. Michał learnt and became familiar with our home. While we slowly practiced adding content and resizing images. At the December 2020 launch of the website, it had already been the work of more than 18 months.

We are so thankful for Michał for supporting the development of the website. In addition, Michał also agreed to continue monitoring, improving and hosting the website.

Thank you for supporting us image website project